Treatment for Binocular Vision Dysfunction in Austin
Binocular Vision Dysfunction, or BVD, is a serious eye disorder in which your eyes are not aligned with one another. This misalignment can be so small that it is often not detected during regular eye exams. Trying to compensate for this disorder can result in headaches, dizziness, trouble reading and concentration, learning disorders, anxiety and general inability to use your eyes as they are supposed to function. If you have noticed any of these symptoms and suspect you may have BVD, you need to get checked immediately by Lakeline Vision Source’s NeuroVisual Medicine specialists, Dr. Jennifer Catalasan and Dr. Kevin Soong.
Watch “The Eyes Have It” TED Talk and Then Take the Vision Test!:
If You Are Suffering From Dizziness, Headaches, and/or Vertigo
This could be BVD. Binocular Vision Dysfunction makes your life harder to live, plain, simple, and Dr. Jennifer Catalasan and Dr. Kevin Soong can help with that. If you are experiencing eye trouble that is compromising your quality of life, take our BVD Questionnaire and schedule an appointment with us to talk about dizziness, headaches, and/or vertigo today.
BVD can be a condition that you’re born with or it can be a condition that is acquired as a result of concussions or a traumatic brain injury (TBI). Some symptoms that you might experience with this disorder include:
- Neck aches, head tilt, facial pain, headaches
- Lightheadedness, nausea, dizziness
- Motion sickness, unsteadiness or drifting while walking, poor depth perception, poor coordination/clumsiness
- Blurry vision, shadowed or overlapping vision, double vision, pain with eye movement, covering an eye to make it easier to see, sensitivity to light/glare
- Anxiety, especially while in a large store or in a crowd
- Skipping lines or losing place while reading, fatigue with reading, difficulty with reading comprehension
- Multiple trips to other specialists without noticeable improvement in your condition
Dr. Jennifer Catalasan and Dr. Kevin Soong can help you overcome the symptoms of BVD by first conducting a comprehensive exam to assess your ocular condition(s) and then prescribing you a treatment plan that will reduce your symptoms, on average about 80% by the end of treatment.
Our Patients Say It Best...
Prisms and Lenses to Treat Your Eye Care Problems
Because the problem with BVD is that your eyes are not in line with one another, we take the eye care approach of creating prisms in glasses or lenses through which the image your eye sees will be bent, creating an effect of alignment between both eyes.
When properly adjusted and fitted, prisms can effectively displace the image that one eye sees so that it matches up perfectly with the other eye and you no longer suffer from double vision or the other issues caused by BVD.
With Dr. Jennifer Catalasan and Dr. Kevin Soong’s training at the NeuroVisual Institute and our state of the art optical lab, we are exceptionally well suited to diagnose, prescribe and create the correct lenses to match your dysfunction.

Take one of the tests below to see if you suffer from Binocular Vision Dysfunction:
Pediatric Binocular Vision Dysfunction Questionnaire

Pediatric Binocular Vision Dysfunction Questionnaire
This questionnaire is for someone younger than 14 years old.
Adult Binocular Vision
Dysfunction Questionnaire

Adult Binocular Vision Dysfunction Questionnaire
This questionnaire is for those 14 years old or older.